If you love animals and want to help, there are a variety of ways. Whether you have the time to love on some animals,
To support the shelter monetarily use the give online button below.
We gladly accept offers to volunteer at the shelter. Volunteers have the opportunity to walk a dog, play with a cat, fold laundry, help with adoptions events, prepare mailings, and more. Volunteering hours are 12 PM – 4 PM on weekdays. All volunteers must attend an orientation. Please call the shelter at 660-665-8038 to sign up for the next orientation class.
Blankets and towels
Cat food, wet and dry
Cat litter
Cat scratching posts / carpet squares
Cat toys – ping-pong balls, catnip toys
Cat treats
Cleaning supplies such as bleach, dish soap, laundry detergent
Collars, harnesses, and leashes
Dog food, wet and dry
Dog toys – tough, durable, easily cleanable
Dog treats
Hand soap and hand sanitizer
Hard plastic kids’ paddling pools for the summer
Paper products such as paper towels, tissues, printer paper
Pet carriers
Trash bags
Unfortunately we cannot use these items: Newspapers, Old computer equipment and phones, Dirty or soiled items as this costs us to launder before our animals can use them

We just adopted our first puppy from here and he melts our hearts! He is so smart and learning so fast! Everyone there was so helpful and friendly when helping us find our new baby. We are so grateful!

Cat Hammock: Just like us, cats like to relax in a hammock. It you would like to try making one, contact the shelter. Instructions and needed hardware are available.
Cat & Dog Toys: There are a lot of YouTube videos available with instructions on how to make cat and dog toys.
• An options for cat toys: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vebuzKSg70
• An options for dog toys: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o5rBbEKkFw
Make a Cozy Blanket: This project is a great way for you make cozy fleece blankets for the cats and kittens to curl up on while they await their forever homes.
1. Sharp scissors for cutting cloth
2. Measuring tape
3. Fleece fabric: Machine-washable fleece in any color (solids preferred), or a printed pattern for one layer and a coordinating solid color for the other layer. One yard of fabric will make two large kitty blankets or four small ones.
To Make a Large Blanket
Cut two rectangles that are 17 to 18 inches wide by 28 to 29 inches long. Lay one rectangle on top of the other so they completely overlap. Cutting through both layers, cut a 3-inch square out of each corner, and discard them.
Cut slits 3 inches long by approximately 3/4 inch wide along all four sides. Make the cuts as even as you can. This will look like fringe. Tie individual fringes together, top layer fringe to bottom layer fringe, using double knots. To make it easier, you can skip tying every other fringe.
To Make a Small Blanket
Cut two rectangles that are 17 to 18 inches wide by 14 inches long. Follow the rest of the large-blanket directions above.

Oh my gosh! This is (insert your favorite off color word) amazing!
(In response to seeing the New Cat House.)

OPEN MON-FRI 9a-4p | SAT 9a-12p